Adjustable indoor mini P.S 250-500VA

Zero Crossing stabilizer technology-US,EP Patent  

Safecom presents the latest technology to reduce energy consumption and save

 electrical bills in CATV Networks while attaining Energy 2020 targets. 

The new compact adjustable Spec P.S. model is a CATV P.S. with the highest efficiency and most cost-effective capabilities developed for low and average current consumption needs such as FTTC networks
Manually adjustable Max Power option (five steps) from 250 to 500VA ..
In addition, manually adjustable Max Power option (five steps) from 250 to 500VA offers an option for adjusting the maximum power manually as well as allows the operator to pay flat rate for the real energy consumed instead of paying for the Power Supply rated power.
Power Supplies are designed for a lifetime of operation while producing actual energy savings of between 5-15% compared to common Ferro P.S. .

Adjusting the maximum power manually allows the operator to pay flat rate for the real energy consumed instead of paying for the Power Supply rated power

backup up power , TPS ,tisaes.Taltechint,securepowersyetm, secure power system , DPS, SPSM, 5G innovative , efficient powering solutions backup power , sleep upstream upstream noise DPS power backup DPSV safecom upstream rf noise suppression module. rf suppression catv ingress noise RFoG RF noise Power backup FFTC FFTH FTTC 5747888 US 5747888